recently acquired another pbass from a friend .. put on the same TI flat on them all with similar setup (parts tightening, action, pickup height), tone control is wide open on all 3 and did a quick test drive .
here're the specs:
1965 Fender Precision CAR
- Alder body
- Brazilian rosewood fingerboard
- Nitro Finish
- TI Flat around 4-5yrs old
1965 Fender Precision 3TS
- Alder body
- Indian rosewoood fingerboard
- Nitro Finish
- TI Flat that's about 7yrs old, has the most play time
2011 Alleva Coppolo KPB5 Classic Supreme (Plum Crazy)
- Alder body
- Brazilian rosewood fingerboard
- Nitro Finish
- TI Flat around 4-5yrs old
Straight necks with very little amount of relief, mid-low action(2-2.5mm from bottom of the E string to the top of the 12th fret). Pickup height is roughly 3-3.5mm from the bottom of the low E(B) string to the top of the pickup cover, each bass varies slightly . rest are adjusted accordingly for a even volume through out all strings.
Signal chain:
all bass with vol full and tone wide open -> Tara Labs master cable -> Bergantino B|Amp running flat -> B|Amp DI out to RME UFX -> Line out to Apogee Jam 96k -> Apple iPhone -> photo app w/ no post processing.
Leave me your thoughts on the youtube video