
First kit of 2025 , we had a cold winter this year in Toronto, didn't bothered to work on any lacquer in the garage at all and went back to acrylic and hand brush for the first time after a good 20+ years ..    got some new mr color aqueous and also digged out many old tamiyas that has been sitting there forever ..   it was a fun new challenging ..  at least something that's safely for me to work indoor and totally at my on pace . 

Kit Info:
This kit is the revive version released in around 2015 ..   the proportion is slick and nice, some prefers the bulky dumb look .   it's a simple kit and well design .. I've had mine snapped for a very very long time ..  and decided to go with this as my first hand brush build ..  

The build:
The process is straightforward.     The kit was snapped when I was still single ..  all the nibs were sanded smooth and that made live extremely easier ...  thanks to my oldself ..  I would never have the time and patient to do the same (mostly cut all the way and deal with the finishing later)   .  A few seamlines were filled /glued with Madworks' thick black CA glue ..  it dries fast and easy to sand ..  just not relatively strong in general ..  no good for structure ..  Rescribed a few existing lines and that’s about it.

Finishing wise, the whole kit is primed in dark grey, then colour applied in thin layers, some colour goes about 3-4 coats , then the highlight colour goes on top, some chipping effect applied, and the entired kit was washed in dark brown and cleaned afterward .. 

Colour used:

  • Main  - H13 -> H14 (highlight)
  • White - H51 -> X1+little tan 
  • Dark grey - H55 -> some lighter purple-ish grey
  • Yellow - H14 -> H4
  • Joint - some mid grey 


Being a long time airbrush guy . . it's really satisfying to sit on my desk most of the time and just enjoy the little progress in almost anytime ..  effort to start/cleanup is minimal ...   no running in/out to the garage in the cold winter day ..   Wife won't complain about the thinner smell ..    I'm never a fan of heavy weathering / dirt guy ..  still  in the process of learning but so far feeling positive about it and will try out more ..      was working a old gk and got tired so this is a great quick break
