
  • Fender Elite Precision Bass II

    80s was an interesting time where the market wasn’t really looking for more same products from the 60s and 70s .  As CBS ear coming to its end, they released this the first Vintage reissue lines and also this Elite line as their “Deluxe” offering .   I’ve had a chance to play the Elite I Precision few yrs ago and this Elite II happened to pass by my bench for some TLC and of

  • Ibanez Grooveline G104

    For most middle age music lovers, there should be at least one or 2 instrument that you happened to tried/played but did not ended up owning back in the day ..   Beside the 30th Anniversary Stingray 4H I acquired last year.  Here’s come another one of those special one.   It was at around 2011-2012 that they had these

  • EBMM Stingray Special 4HH

    Solid body string instruments are not rocket sciences, Stingray was first introduced in 1976, and throughout the years they’ve made their name in the music history and had their particular printed onto countless modern music.  

    Throughout the years, instrument design evolves, but mostly a little at a time Often manufactures would put their 1 or 2 signature product in all kinds of variations possible and try to squeeze out as much value as they possibly can and calling them

  • Sadowsky Metro MV5

    This bass happen to pass by the shop for a quick setup and I was able to do a quick test drive before it goes ..    here's the simple quick review of this Sadowsky Metro MV5

  • Sadowsky Metro R4-24

    Sadowsky has been around since the 80s serving professional musicians starting from NYC then soon all over the world. They’re famous for their stability and that ‘guarantee’ great sound night after night for most demanding players. When something doesn’t sounded right at a gig, it’s possibly something else other than the bass itself. In 2003 they’ve started the Metro line offering the least customizable and more affordable instruments that are manufactured in Japan. And in 2019, they’ve

  • Fender Jazz Deluxe IV - Suhr era

    Here comes the little brother of that special Fender Deluxe Jazz V I played early this year .   This was the famous John Suhr era Jazz bass who later started his own guitar company, their boutique killer at the time and it's still preferred by many players and highly in demand after 25+ years. 

  • EBMM Reflex 4H

    Few years after the first appearance of the Bongo bass, Musicman released the 25th Anniversary basses in 2009 inheriting the 4 band EQ, and put a few push buttons on top plus a passive tone knob as a bonus ! It was another innovative design since the 80s’ imo after a bunch of weird stuffs .. and looked like EBMM had made a decent success with the 25 Anniversary instruments and decided to put them into production in 2010 given the name Reflex.


  • Review: Musicman 25th Anniversary

    Giving my thought or 2 about another bass...