Bass Diaries

62' AVRI Jazz bass from circa 1999, and here's a few thoughts about it!


This is gently loved instrument has quiet some characters, and all the blemish comes together in a very testful way ..   and this guy for sure had been played as it sounds as creamy as it looked.



- Cream white in nitro finish
- Alder body
- Tinted Maple neck
- Rosewood fingerboard
- 62’ Stacked knobs - vol/tone + vol/tone
- 9.5lbs on a bathroom scale
- pickup and bridge covers, thumb rest, ground strip included
- Come with the avri G+G hard shell case


The 62' jazz has its famous dual stacked konbs, and this is actually how they looked like when they first introduced the jazz bass.  independent volume and tone control for each pickups .   gives more variation when it comes to blending .   Bobby Vega is the most reconizable player that uses a 62' jazz.  Check out his playing on youtube.   this guy has some serious groove .  I personally prefer the 3 knobs V/V/T configuration, probably I haven't spent enough time with this guy yet.  





Please forgive my sloppy playing.  still need more time to get the groove right.