WeeKeeeeee B. Band

Starting in summmer 2018, I've decided to take on the managing role and put together a band with a bunch close friends that I've been playing regularly in the past 10+ years.   With the band naming after ourself, hopefully this group would be the home for us for the next 10+++ years.   We are the WeeKeeeeee B. Band.

With currently what's happening in the world, many people got sick and died.  public events had been deferred or cancelled.    We've decided to gather in the small group playing music together and hoping to share some positive energy with others.  

Here are the 2 videos we did live in our gathering .


Let me know:

WKBB can be found on:



Special thanks for James Mak sitting in as our guitarist and Gabriel Cheung doing the live mix and Hao Chen for making recommandation on videos.  

When you have a moment, please subscribe to our social media accounts to show some loves.