
the fastest web browser is now getting even more faster. this is the browser that i've been using in the last 5 years. it has got the most useful shortcuts and other great features.

this is the browser that was first designed for people that does heavy loads of web searches.
here's a few main things i'm addicted to:
- single key shortcuts(1,2 to swtich around tabs; z,x for going back and forth through pages), has to be enable on recent versions
- mouse gestures, like shortcuts on pda; this thing made me do things faster than most of other people in the office with 1 hand.
- bookmarks and other setings can be synchronized

there's alot more features than these, and to me it makes things way more efficient. i still use other popular browsers on the markets depends on the tasks i'm doing, but opera is definetly the one i'd stick with if i can only choose 1 browser. it takes a short time to get used to it, but you'll never look back after.